Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Deep Sea Treatments for Amazing Skin

Sea salt excellent for the skin

According to the classic Greek Dramatist,Euripides the sea can provide a cure for all man's ills'.The sea really does do wonders for the skin, and for the body, sea salt has been known to improve and even cure skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis. So why is sea water such an amazing skin healer?

Essential Skin Nutrients

Natural skincare

3 Essential Skin Nutrients

When it comes to the skin, there are some nutrients that are quite simply essential for the health of the skin. In this article we will take a look at some of these essential nutrients that are required to keep the skin looking, and feeling healthy. This is the first in the series of three articles covering essential skin nutrients.

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Gifted Lyricist: Ceasar New Video 'Not More Than a Child'

I don't often blog about music, my days of working in the music industry have long passed. However, I just had to throw this out there. A quick mention, nothing too substantial because really I would rather you watch, assimilate and make your own judgement. Conjure up your own review, whether it be complex or simplistic. Just write something down, or form an opinion in your head. Because I did, I made a mental note, and with haste sent the link around to all my music industry pals. 

The artist is called Ceasar and the song, or should I say artistic piece is called; 'Not More Than a Child.' 

Check it out: 

For mobile users, click the link below: 


Monday, 4 March 2013

Vlogging and iPads

I have had a really fulfilled day today. Not ! My day had consisted of running backwards and forwards between the post office and my apartment. Why ? Well my iPad was delivered last week but I was out so I had to go pick it up from the post office. When I got there they told me I didn't bring sufficient identification to pick it up. Naturally I was far from impressed and reluctantly went home to pick up some more proofs.

I finally pick up my parcel and run home to meet the Internet engineer who is fixing my fiber optic broadband ( which is pretty good by the way) I always have problems with phone lines and Internet connections and this was no exception ! The whole thing took about three hours to fix because there was some kind of fault. Great ! So I had no Internet connection for three hours which meant all my client work was way behind schedule. Tres annoying ! Oh well it is all fixed now and I am super stoked ! My fiber optic super fast broadband is super fast ! Oh and I love my iPad mini. I have heard a few bad reviews but since I got it for free, I am not complaining at all.

I shot a video for my vegan health channel on YouTube using my iPad just to test it out, and I am pretty impressed with the results. It is pretty good for vlogging and quick videos. I think I will be using it pretty much all the time for my vlogging channel, and using my camera for my main channel.

My day was pretty good ! The rest of my week is not looking too exciting, just staying in with the ill one. I do have a crazy amount of work to get done though, so it looks like I am going to be face down on the Mac and the iPad this week hoorahhh.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Blogging & chilling with fruit

<p>Today i feel so exhausted. Even setting up my computer is a huge chore. I'm blogging from my phone which is proving difficult lol. </p>
<p>Last night i stayed up doing client work and editing videos. I ended up going to bed @ 6am, so I am dying for more sleep. I ended up throwing some Disney on for my son and curled up in bed with tea, fruit and my phone. I have actually managed to get two client article pieces done on my trusty Samsung Android phone. It takes forever to type one word. However, it sure beats sitting up with my laptop right now. </p>
<p>I am on this health kick right now and i think i am having detox symptoms. Apart from the tiredness and the horrible detox symptoms, I am loving life. I have been watching retro films on netflix recently, been on a karate kid high. Karate kid is one of my fave films btw, so that's another thing you guys didn't know hehe.
Anyway I am outy xoxoxoxo

Monday, 25 February 2013

Vlogging, Blogging and Staying Healthy

Always working

These past few weeks have been kind of hectic for me. I have been on a major health kick, 30 days of fully raw vegan lifestyle. I lost 25 lbs, and I am loving it. I am always going to be vegan, and most of my diet is going to be raw. I feel so happy and healthy for the first time in ages. I have been crazy busy switching a few things up with my business and with my life in general. My days have been spent, doing articles for clients, assigning work to writers and journalists, having meetings, vlogging, blogging, exercising and looking after the little one. That has been my life for the past couple of weeks.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Blogging, Chilling and Thrifting: Cheapest Doctor Marten's Ever!!!!

I have spent my weekend, working, blogging, thrifting and chilling out. I had a work thing to go to yesterday, which was Saturday. I then ended up stumbling across a huge thrift sale in a church hall. I entered with no intention of buying anything. I had £20 in my purse and did not plan on spending it. I actually had no choice lol! I had to spend some of it! I stumbled upon this beacons of Dr. Marten heaven, and I had to purchase them.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Blogging, Chillin' and Juicin'

Blogging and Juicing xxxx

These past few days I have been having a ball, blogging, chilling and juicing. This raw food lifestyle is going great for me! I am loving every minute of it, I have already lost 14 lbs in just over 10 days and I feel amazing. I have experienced some detox symptoms but nothing too serious. I am having the best time of my life, I got my new juicer on Saturday and I have been making tons of juices and guzzling them down. I have had client work to do which consisted of blog posts for two clients based in Australia, so I have been having a ball. The juicing has made me super energetic, and super happy, I have had a few off days but overall I have loved eating the raw fresh foods and juicing. 

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

My Raw Life

This is my green smoothie! I am loving my raw lifestyle!

You guys already know that I am going 75 percent raw vegan, to kickstart the new  me I am going 30 days cold turkey. Yes, raw for 30 days! I am loving it!!! Seriously it is the best thing I have ever done! I did actually go raw last year and I hated it so much. I was miserable and one of the reasons I found it so hard was I had no idea what I was doing. I was confused, I was so confused about what I needed to do that I ended up making things too complicated for myself.

Now, I have two staple foods that work around, they are the humble old courgette or zucchini as the Americans call it. The other is the banana, I work around these ingredients. So I make courgette pasta, rice and other dishes, I know you are probably thinking, how the hell do you make pasta from a zucchini? Well trust me it is delicious, I love it! If you are interested in vegan recipes, you can head on over to my Vegan Fresh YouTube channel. 

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Amazing Raw Food

I am totally and utterly in Love with the raw food lifestyle. I did it before and hated it! As you guys should know by now, I am a vegan. However, I found it really hard to go raw the last time around. This time I am finding it so easy. I have made some really yummy meals, and I feel great. Usually at around 5pm I feel tired and need, or want a nap. Today I have not felt any tiredness at all! I am up 2 am blogging and writing articles for clients. I am actually having the time of my life with this new lifestyle.


Sunday, 6 January 2013

Green Tea, Snacks and Blogging

Today my day consists of green tea, snacks and blogging!

I just love spending Sunday afternoons and nights, blogging and sipping on hot green tea. Although, I am not a full time blogger, I do have a business to run. This is the perfect Sunday for me, especially with these cold, winter months. 

Life Gets Hard But....No Image Needed

When life gets hard you just have to keep pushing forward. It can be so difficult to do this but choice do you really have? Would you rather sink into a deep dark depression or keep on moving forward fab as ever? Well, I know what I would rather do, hold my head up and keep on moving forward. Recently I have had some really hard trials to deal with. However, I am still standing, I am still moving forward and still praying that life will keep on getting better. Nothing good in life ever comes easy, and I have learned that the hard way. 

Right now things have settled for me but I have had a really crazy few months, leading up to the end of the year. Now we are in 2013, and I am ready to face this year with much gusto. I have so many plans for the up and coming year, and I really don't want to finish 2013 wondering where the hell it went. I have too much to prove. When I say prove, I mean too much to prove to myself. I have learned that you really can't please everyone on this planet. Sometimes you just have to please yourself, believe in yourself and keep fighting for what you believe in. I believe that nothing in life is impossible, I believe that if you want something bad enough, you will fight tooth and nail for it. 

Anyway, enough rambling, I have some serious writing to do. Today I plan on eating, cooking and writing. So much writing to do, so much blogging to do, and so much vlogging to do. This year, I am going to try and blog as much as possible. Last year I didn't blog as much as I really wanted because I was actually trying to figure out exactly what I wanted to put up on  my personal blog. First I just set up as a dumping ground for random thoughts. Then I thought I would focus more on natural skincare, now I am going back to my original plan of random every day thoughts, ideas and plans. I really don't want to get too serious about this blog, it is like my daily diary, only the whole world can see it. 

DIY Face and Body Scrub

carob body scrub 

I am totally obsessed with DIY skincare, it not only saves you money but it is also fun to do! I been experimenting with all kinds of potions this weekend. Last night I made a carob body and face scrub, which also doubles up as a lip scrub which is great!!!! I just love it!! It tastes good too, so you don't have to worry if it gets in your mouth!! Lovely!!! I just posted up a YouTube video about it so you can check that out below. Here is the recipe for it! Oh and try it out and let me know how it went for you.