Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Blogging & chilling with fruit

<p>Today i feel so exhausted. Even setting up my computer is a huge chore. I'm blogging from my phone which is proving difficult lol. </p>
<p>Last night i stayed up doing client work and editing videos. I ended up going to bed @ 6am, so I am dying for more sleep. I ended up throwing some Disney on for my son and curled up in bed with tea, fruit and my phone. I have actually managed to get two client article pieces done on my trusty Samsung Android phone. It takes forever to type one word. However, it sure beats sitting up with my laptop right now. </p>
<p>I am on this health kick right now and i think i am having detox symptoms. Apart from the tiredness and the horrible detox symptoms, I am loving life. I have been watching retro films on netflix recently, been on a karate kid high. Karate kid is one of my fave films btw, so that's another thing you guys didn't know hehe.
Anyway I am outy xoxoxoxo

Monday, 25 February 2013

Vlogging, Blogging and Staying Healthy

Always working

These past few weeks have been kind of hectic for me. I have been on a major health kick, 30 days of fully raw vegan lifestyle. I lost 25 lbs, and I am loving it. I am always going to be vegan, and most of my diet is going to be raw. I feel so happy and healthy for the first time in ages. I have been crazy busy switching a few things up with my business and with my life in general. My days have been spent, doing articles for clients, assigning work to writers and journalists, having meetings, vlogging, blogging, exercising and looking after the little one. That has been my life for the past couple of weeks.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Blogging, Chilling and Thrifting: Cheapest Doctor Marten's Ever!!!!

I have spent my weekend, working, blogging, thrifting and chilling out. I had a work thing to go to yesterday, which was Saturday. I then ended up stumbling across a huge thrift sale in a church hall. I entered with no intention of buying anything. I had £20 in my purse and did not plan on spending it. I actually had no choice lol! I had to spend some of it! I stumbled upon this beacons of Dr. Marten heaven, and I had to purchase them.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Blogging, Chillin' and Juicin'

Blogging and Juicing xxxx

These past few days I have been having a ball, blogging, chilling and juicing. This raw food lifestyle is going great for me! I am loving every minute of it, I have already lost 14 lbs in just over 10 days and I feel amazing. I have experienced some detox symptoms but nothing too serious. I am having the best time of my life, I got my new juicer on Saturday and I have been making tons of juices and guzzling them down. I have had client work to do which consisted of blog posts for two clients based in Australia, so I have been having a ball. The juicing has made me super energetic, and super happy, I have had a few off days but overall I have loved eating the raw fresh foods and juicing.