Monday, 4 March 2013

Vlogging and iPads

I have had a really fulfilled day today. Not ! My day had consisted of running backwards and forwards between the post office and my apartment. Why ? Well my iPad was delivered last week but I was out so I had to go pick it up from the post office. When I got there they told me I didn't bring sufficient identification to pick it up. Naturally I was far from impressed and reluctantly went home to pick up some more proofs.

I finally pick up my parcel and run home to meet the Internet engineer who is fixing my fiber optic broadband ( which is pretty good by the way) I always have problems with phone lines and Internet connections and this was no exception ! The whole thing took about three hours to fix because there was some kind of fault. Great ! So I had no Internet connection for three hours which meant all my client work was way behind schedule. Tres annoying ! Oh well it is all fixed now and I am super stoked ! My fiber optic super fast broadband is super fast ! Oh and I love my iPad mini. I have heard a few bad reviews but since I got it for free, I am not complaining at all.

I shot a video for my vegan health channel on YouTube using my iPad just to test it out, and I am pretty impressed with the results. It is pretty good for vlogging and quick videos. I think I will be using it pretty much all the time for my vlogging channel, and using my camera for my main channel.

My day was pretty good ! The rest of my week is not looking too exciting, just staying in with the ill one. I do have a crazy amount of work to get done though, so it looks like I am going to be face down on the Mac and the iPad this week hoorahhh.