Monday, 28 April 2014

How to Get Rid of Dark Circles Naturally

How to Get Rid of Dark Circles Click Here
How to get rid of dark circles 
Hey guys! This is just a quick blog post to tell you guys about the book I wrote a while back now for a client. I never really promoted it because I did not have the proper permissions. However, since I have the permissions now, I thought I would give you lovely readers the chance to grab a copy. I am not sure how long it is going to be up on Amazon because my client said she might make it a free e book for a exclusive mailing list soon. So if you want to grab a copy you can click the link below.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Taryll Jackson: Best of All Time

Taryll Jackson 

One of my bloggers sent me this link today, and I just had to post it up. I really have not been keeping track of the extended Jackson family. I had no idea that Taryll Jackson was even still singing, or that he had released any material. The song 'Best of All Time' was written by Taryll Jackson, Tito Jackson's son for his Late uncle Michael. Being honest, the song is not amazing, it is sweet and heartfelt but there is nothing special about it.

BeautyCrush Tells Us about Her Boob Job


If you are a fan of BeautyCrush on YouTube, you will be aware that she recently did a video about her boob job. I rarely watch her videos these days although I do think she has done an amazing job making a living as a YouTuber and blogger. However, I really did not think she needed to justify why she got a boob job. I can fully understand her wanting to help other girls who wish to do the same thing. However, I just think she tried to justify herself far too much in the video.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Michael Jackson New Album 'Xscape'

Michael Jackson album: Xscape

I know this post comes pretty late after the news that a new Michael Jackson album would be released. However, I have been contemplating whether or not it is actually good news. If you know me well, you will  know that I am the biggest Michael Jackson fan ever. I would love to hear new MJ material, he is and always will be my number 1 music idol. However, I was, and still am just a little concerned as to who is going to be profiting in Michael's absence. Obviously the Michael Jackson estate will get a cut, but who else? Sony? Yes of course they will get something, and personally I would rather they don't continue to make coin out of Michael's fame.

Anyway, moving on to the details about the album.  The album is a collaborative effort between L.A Reid, Stargate, Jerome "Jroc" Harmon, John McClain, Rodney Jerkins and others. It will feature songs from Michael Jackson's catalogue, and it will also include 8 new unheard tracks.

A statement from LA Reid read:  
'Modern music and artistry would look and sound completely different if not for the groundbreaking contributions Michael Jackson gifted to the world. Michael left behind some musical performances that we take great pride in presenting through the vision of music producers that he either worked directly with or expressed strong desire to work with. We are extremely proud and honored to present this music to the world' L.A. Reid announced.

Pre orders commenced on April 1st on iTunes. The official release date for Xscape is May 13. 


Saturday, 5 April 2014

Congratulations Jermain Jackman: Winner of The Voice UK 2014

Jermain Jackman winner of The Voice UK 2014
I just wanted to take this moment to congratulate 19 year old Jermain Jackman, winner of The Voice UK 2014. It was an emotional moment watching him win because he is not only a singer, but he is an aspiring politician. With this win really does come great responsibility, like his mentor Will i Am said.  It really is going to take a lot of dedication and focus  because he is an ambassador for the Youth of London.

Friday, 4 April 2014

Pink Intrigue Loves...Erica Fae: YouTuber

Erica Fae 

I decided to do another Pink Intrigue today because I am loving so many people right now, and things of course. At the moment, I am really feeling YouTuber Erica Fae. Her style of editing is exceptional. Simple, yet intricate at the same time, she is really not the typical 'beauty guru. When I say that I mean that her channel doesn't just focus on talking about the latest brand of lipstick.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Pink Intrigue Loves...Ricky Richards: YouTuber

Ricky Richards: YouTuber 

Every day on my Instagram I post a pic of someone I am really liking at the moment. Today I posted Ricky Lee Richards. Most people will know him as being a YouTuber and he was previously connected with the highly successful YouTuber BeautyCrush.