Thursday, 19 February 2015

This Man Paints Works of Art Using a Typewriter

Mona Lisa

 I found this really cool!  Maybe you will too! Paul Smith suffers with severe cerebral palsy however, he still manages to create amazing works of art using a typewriter. The mind blowing interpretation of the Mona Lisa above was created using just a typewriter and ink. Amazing right? Take a look at his story in the video below! Inspiring to say the least.

Monday, 16 February 2015

This Talented Artist Cuts up Glass to Create Something Spectacular

cold glass sculpting
Amazing Artist Jack Storm

 I love anything  artistic, and I was blown away when I saw this!  It not only demonstrates this amazing artists talent but it also reminds us that hard work truly does pay off.  You will be blown away when you see the amazing sculptures this guy creates with a simple block of glass.