Tuesday, 23 June 2015

5 Cool Instagram Feeds You Must Follow

PC: @ilitchpeters 

My obsession with Instagram has gone from bad to worse. I am managing it though with therapy! Now all jokes aside, finding a new delicious looking profile is like finding a new irresistible little side street in a new city, you just have to explore. You lose track of time and by the time you realise you have been in every single store on the street. Anyway, as you can probably tell by now, I love Instagram.
So, here is a list of 5 cool Instagram accounts to check out. I have a list of hundreds, stay tuned for further posts on this very topic. Here goes!


If art is your thing, then head on over to Jason Skeldon's page and scroll through his feed. He has some amazing pieces, I just want to grab a piece for my living room wall! Check out this piece he did of Marilyn Monroe, it is to die for !  Go check out his page here >>> Jason Skeldon

Marilyn Monroe 


I stumbled across Hilary's page through Facebook. I don't even know how I managed to find it but I am glad I did. If lifestyle is your thing then you will love her page. Hilary's page isn't just a bunch of pretty pictures though. It is a living example of how Instagram can work to help you build a profitable business. She is a social media consultant and she runs a course that teaches how to use Instagram to build your brand. Go check out her page here >>> Hilary Rushford 


Every time I look at Ilitchpeters' profile I just end up scrolling through every single picture, then scrolling through again. So many dope shots. Go check it out if you are interested in urban photography. His pictures are captivating. Follow him here >>> Ilitchpeters



In.shadows is another really cool urban photography page. His images are stunning! Go check them out here for some inspiration >>> in.shadows 


Townske is a really cool new site that allows its users to publish content about the city in which they reside. Their Instagram page is packed full of featured posts from their users. So if you are looking for interesting lifestyle and urban photography accounts to follow, check out their feed. >>>townske 

Stay tuned for another post like this ! In the meantime have fun scrolling, scrolling, scrolling. 

You might also like this >>>> 4 London blogs you must bookmark 

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